Monday, April 25, 2011

Sweet Potato Pudding Recipe

You've never made a pudding of sweet potato? if not, please try this recipe. Sweet potato pudding recipe is simple, materials are also easily found.

Sweet Potato Pudding recipe

Material I:
50 grams sugar
2 eggs
1 tablespoon margarine
300 grams of red sweet potato, steamed, mashed
25 grams of wheat flour
3 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk
150 grams of biscuits

Material II:

700 ml milk
150 grams granulated sugar
1 pack of jelly powder (7 grams)


1. Materials I: soft sweet potato mixed with flour and margarine, knead until smooth.

2. Stir the sugar and eggs with electric mixer until frothy, set aside. Enter the parsnip mixture into the beaten eggs and add the sweetened condensed milk, mix well.

3. Enter into a heat resistant dish that has spread with margarine. Steam for 30 minutes. Remove and set aside.

4. Place the biscuits on top of sweet dough.

5. Materials II: Cook milk, sugar, and jelly powder to boiling. Then pour over the biscuit dough. Leave until the dough hardens.


Pouring the agar onto the biscuits should be performed at warm temperatures, so that cookies are not destroyed.

For 8 persons.

Happy cooking :)


  1. hwa, templatenya keren banget mbak...tembemnya adek ini, gemes >.<

  2. kalau liat dari tekstur ama foto, mirip wadai di Banjar...kalau baca resepnya, sama sekali ndak mirip soalnya wadainya pake ketan.

    tuk sementara ngiler aja deh dulu mbak, belum niat nyobain resepnya. lagi males masak :(

  3. wahhh.. kayaknya enak nih...
    jadi pengen... :)

  4. hah?.. ubi jalar dipake buat puding?.. gimana rasanya tuh?. hahaha... belom pernah nyobain.. tapi kalo dikasih mau loo Nartii.. :))

  5. Enaknya... modelnya lucu juga. tembem.
    Sejak kapan dapurpunyaku picturenya pakai model ya? Maklum jarang ke sini

    Salam ukhuwah

  6. nice pudding...i like pudding.thanks for Recipe

  7. ke' enak tu , maksih tips-tipsnya ya .ntar la aku minta ibu bikinin he he

  8. pudingnya enaaakkk... nampaknya mudah dan simpel :D

    itu sapa mbak dede lucunya?

  9. puding memang makyusss, :)

    wow, template nya udah mulai rapi dan sangat 2 enag dilihat :)

  10. ternyata bisa juga yah potato jadi puding

  11. waaahhh enaknye...boleh belajar ni...hehe


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